If you enjoy a nice cup of green tea on a regular basis, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. Not only is green tea nourishing and delicious, it has benefits specific to your oral health, too! Read on to learn how green tea can help maintain your beautiful smile.
Preventing Cavities
One of the great things about green tea is that it can help you prevent tooth decay. Green tea limits the acidity of your saliva and has an effect on the bacteria in your mouth, which in turn influences the increase of decay. While drinking green tea alone won’t prevent cavities, it can certainly give your oral health routine a boost!
Preventing Gum Disease
In addition to reducing decay, green tea also has an impact on your risk for gum disease. Studies have shown that antioxidant-rich green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the risk of gum disease.
Oral Cancer Control
Green tea has long been thought to have positive effects when it comes to cancer, and that includes oral cancer. Studies have shown that regular consumption can have an effect on the disease’s progression.
Hold the Sugar
While green tea has been seen to offer numerous health benefits pertaining to your oral health and beyond, it’s important that you drink it unsweetened. By adding sugar to your drink, you’ll be negating a lot of the great effects of this beverage. Sugar is not only a menace to your oral health, but threatens a slew of other health issues, too. So hold the sugar and enjoy the natural, refreshing taste of green tea on its own!
Preventive Care in Coeur d’Alene & Post Falls
As healthy and beneficial as green tea is, it’s not a substitute for great oral care. It’s so important that you continue to brush and floss daily and maintain a healthy diet, no matter how much unsweetened green tea you drink! Oh, keep up with your biannual cleaning and exam, of course! Give us a call or click our contact link to book yours today.